2020-12-02 Finals Week Announcements

From MusicTechWiki

Whats Up Music Tech Students!

To say "this has been a challenging year" is the understatement of the century!

Here are some things to help make our classes as STRESS FREE as possible ===>>>

  1. I will have Zoom launched for open office hours EVERYDAY between 1PM-3PM until Dec 12th. (including weekends)
  2. You can also book an appointment with me any day (including weekends) between 1PM-8PM
  3. Extra Credit
    • You can earn extra credit points by simply showing up and participating in any of the above activities
    • You can also earn extra credit points doing just about ANYTHING you want!
    • Extra Credit Assignments (click here for more info)
      • For makeup points and even as a SUBSTITUTION for the regular assignments
  4. Final Deadlines: All Canvas assignments will absolutely CLOSE Sat Dec 12 at 11:59PM

Hit Me Back

  1. support@brucetambling.com
  2. 408-313-9006