How to Purchase Stuff at Foothill

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Revision as of 10:02, 2 June 2021 by BruceTambling (talk | contribs)
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  1. Quotes generated by vendor (which includes payment terms - usually 30 day net)
  2. Quotes submitted to FH Admin
    • Debbie Lee - Dean
    • Bernata Slater, Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services
    • Mike Mohebbi, Executive Assistant, Finance & Administrative Services
    • Email:
    • Phone: 650-949-7711
  3. Purchase Requisition
    • Created by MM, sent to Purchasing Office
  4. Purchasing Office creates a Purchase Order and
  5. Purchase Order sent to Vendor
  6. Vendor Delivers the Product
    • Vendor submits Invoice (To Be Paid in 30=60 days, whatever the agreed upon terms)
  7. FH confirms the products have been received in good shape
  8. Invoice is Paid by Purchasing Office

